New direction for the brand

Lots of changes happening around here at GameOverSFM to coincide with the release of my latest film, WHAT IF, starring Black Widow. The monthly raffle was too draining, when things would come up I would fall further and further behind. Thus, I am changing the monthly raffle to a raffle every two months and instituting further changes as described in the pinned post. I will use this blog post to expand further though.

  1. The Headless Raffle.- I’ve noted many times that for some reason everyone wants head fucks. They are easier to make certainly, but not a lot of fun for me as someone who’s done them a billion times. However, by keeping the $5 tier to only head fucks, this means I can expedite my work flow and thus make them more easily.

  2. The $10 raffle stays the same. I always thought this tier was kind of pointless given how little people participate in the raffles. But now it has more of a use.

  3. The Execution tier is the exciting part. At the end of last year I invested about 3 thousand dollars into a markerless motion-capture system (Ipisoft, for anyone curious) and I’ve finally got a decent workflow going with it. While not perfect, it greatly expands my options for non-loop animations.

For those people who have been with me since the beginning, I want to give a thank you for your loyalty. For that reason, I’m opening up commission slots for people who have been subbed to me before today (2/27/24) at a lower price.

For those who had subbed to a $5 tier, you can get a 6 second loop for $50 instead of the usual $125.

For the $10 tier, you would be entitled to a 6 second loop for $25.

For the $15 tier, you would be entitled to a 4 animation short film for $150 plus sound, (usually $400)

For the $45 tier, you would be entitled to a 4 animation short fiilm for $25, plus sound.

To make this more confusing these benefits are cumulative. So you can redeem all of them seperately if you had subbed to the $45 tier before. Now as you can imagine, this will be a lot of stuff, so the list will be long. But I’ll get them out at least by July.

Anyway, with this change and the relaunch of my other brand, hopefully this is a good year for all of us. Time will tell. Thanks everyone.


Into the blender