Into the blender
Have started experimenting with Blender. Here are my thoughts so far:
Dope sheet is really neat for animating, but the lack of motion editor really sucks.
Non-standard rig formats between models makes it a real pain in the ass to use different models.
Lighting is definitely a lot easier but viewport being not accurate to final render is pretty annoying
The ability to set any object to camera plus walk navigation is the biggest quality of life thing that I’m happy Blender has that is from SFM
Overall the transition is far easier than I thought it would be. The biggest problem is the render times and the models. Some models are only made for EVEE, some for Cycles. Seems like a lot of people are opting for EVEE because it renders faster, but then people have no idea how to do lighting. Luckily, I have literally thousands of hours doing rasteurized lighting. I think I’ll be fine.
However, can’t beat ray tracing.